
Simply Captivated by the Eternal City of Rome

October 26, 2017 by

Rome, with its centuries-old cobblestones covering its streets and narrow alleyways, ancient-looking apartment blocks and classical arches and domed buildings, evokes an understated pride of its glorious past that still reverberates up to this day.

I wasn’t expecting any modern day wonders, but just be a witness to the enduring grandiosity and influence of this city that has stood the test of time.

Our first stop was to the Vatican, the seat of Catholicism, an independent state within the city of Rome. I have carefully selected our accommodation such that St. Peter Square would be a short distance by foot. We wanted to be there for the Palm Sunday mass, and would use our proximity to our advantage to get a good spot close to the . But, alas ! The Vatican imposes border security procedures as if you are entering through international airports.

Once we were inside, I was disappointed to know that we could not just take whatever seats we liked. There were literally thousands of chairs, but to avail these chairs, you must have requested for the free tickets months in advance. If you want to know more about this, you can visit this link. http://www.papalaudience.org/papal-mass

The Vatican Museum is must-visit destination when you are in Rome, especially I thought if you were a devout Catholic, but I was really pleasantly surprised to see a variety of visitors with obviously different religious inclinations or spirituality. Here you can find not only relics of early and modern Christianity, the Sistine Chapel, famous paintings by Michaelangelo and Raphael, but evidence of interest in Astronomy, Navigation and other scientific pursuits.

Getting around Rome was relatively quite easy with their bus and train networks being quite reliable. A quick train ride from Vatican, we reached the Colosseum, the famous amphitheatre built almost 2,000 years ago, where gladiator fights were watched as part of royal entertainment.

If you are into high end shopping, then head way to Piazza di Spagna. But before you lose yourself in the stores of Prada, Gucci, Dior and Bulgari along Via de Condotti. Go up the Spanish Steps and get a good view Rome’s azure city skyline.

Similar to Colosseum, the Pantheon, is another ancient structure that was well-preserved amidst the growth of commercial establishments around it.

Of course, one of the must-do’s is the chance to toss your coin at the Fontana De Trevi and see whether your future will pull you back to Rome.

Pasta and pizza, Gelato and Tiramisu, espresso and cappuccino are essential parts of your Rome visit and shouldn’t miss.

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