
Simply Captivated by the Eternal City of Rome

October 26, 2017 - by

Rome, with its centuries-old cobblestones covering its streets and narrow alleyways, ancient-looking apartment blocks and classical arches and domed buildings, evokes an understated pride of its glorious past that still reverberates up to this day. I wasn’t expecting any modern day wonders, but just be a witness to the enduring grandiosity and influence of this ...

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A Visit to Barcelona, My Spanish Heritage Kindled Within

October 9, 2017 - by

There are so many reasons why in my first ever trip to Europe, Barcelona is at the top of my list beside London and Paris. First, I am a Fil-Australian who grew up with so much Spanish influence around. A visit to Spain would test how strong the affinity I have about my cultural heritage. I still ...

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My Harry Potter Experience

October 1, 2017 - by

  I was conceived in the same year that the first Harry Potter movie was released. I am now 15 and my mum, after all these years, still vividly remembers that day, when, in her first trimester of pregnancy with me, she braved the long queue to see in the cinema the Harry Potter and ...

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